Ücretsiz Demo Talebi
Pazar payınızı genişletme ve uluslararası satışlarınızı artırma fırsatını kaçırmayın!
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Demo Oturumunun Planlanması:
Başlamak için sadece formu doldurun. Bir Propars müşteri temsilcisi, canlı demo oturumunuz için uygun bir tarih ve saat belirlemek üzere sizinle iletişime geçecektir.
İlk Danışmanlık:
İş modelinizin sınır ötesi e-ticarete uygunluğunu değerlendirin, en iyi stratejiyi belirleyin ve Propars’ın büyümenize nasıl katkı sağlayabileceğini öğrenin.
Canlı Demo Deneyimi:
1 saat sürecek detaylı canlı demo oturumunda, Propars’ın nasıl çalıştığını, Amazon, eBay, Walmart, Otto ve Etsy gibi büyük pazaryerleriyle nasıl entegre olduğunu öğrenin ve bire bir etkileşimde bulunun.
Kapsamlı Entegrasyon ve Destek:
Propars, dünya çapındaki en büyük pazaryerlerinde listelemelerinizi ve satışlarınızı tek bir panel üzerinden yönetmenizi sağlayan güçlü entegrasyon çözümleri sunar. Yurt dışı lojistik ve depolama çözümleri de dahil olmak üzere uçtan uca hizmetlerden yararlanarak, sınır ötesi e-ticaret sürecini tamamen kolaylaştırın.
With more than 10 years of experience, we broke new ground in e-commerce.
Propars is an initiative launched in 2013 at Istanbul University Technopolis and supported by KOSGEB R&D Project Support. In a short time, it rose to an important position in the sector and made a name for itself as a successful e-export integrator.
In addition to being the first company in Turkey to integrate with global marketplaces, Propars is the first and only e-export integration solution partner with Amazon SPN certification.
Amazon Servis Sağlayıcısı
Amazon SPN is a network of trusted third-party service providers selected by Amazon. Companies with SPN status help Amazon sellers optimize their e-export processes and sell more effectively.
Onaylı Reklam Sağlayıcısı
Propars is an approved Ad Service provider by Amazon, which enables its customers to deliver their products more effectively to their target audience.
Answers to your questions
What is Propars?
Propars is a software and consultancy platform that offers end-to-end solutions in e-commerce and e-export. All solutions required by a company stepping into e-export such as stock, order, return management; invoicing, shipping, overseas warehouse facilities are offered to businesses by Propars with a single panel with a Turkish interface and the support of an E-export expert assigned specifically for the business.
What is E-export Management?
E-export management is a process that facilitates businesses to sell their products on international online platforms and access global markets. Propars supports this process with automation and enables businesses to reach customers around the world.
Which channels can I sell on with Propars?
Propars allows businesses to easily offer their products for sale on major domestic and international platforms such as Amazon Europe, Amazon America, Ebay, Etsy, Allegro, Walmart, Otto, Wish, Trendyol, Hepsiburada, N11.
How do I add my products to Propars?
Businesses with a small number of products can enter product information manually through Propars’ Inventory Management Module. For large enterprises, it is possible to upload thousands of product information at once with XML files.
How do I try the Propars panel?
You can fill out the demo request form on our Free Demo page. A Propars representative will call you shortly to guide you to experience the platform for free.
What are Propars' new cargo and warehouse solutions?
Propars offers businesses exclusive discounts and integrations with leading carriers. It also facilitates the synchronization of stocks from multiple warehouses and their availability on global marketplaces. In this way, businesses reduce costs and increase customer satisfaction with optimal warehouse selection. You can find more detailed information on our Storage and Cargo Solutions page.
What do your consultancy services cover?
Propars’ consultancy service offers tailor-made guidance for your business on optimizing your e-export processes, determining your e-commerce strategy, marketplace selection, logistics solutions and many more. You can find detailed information on this subject on our Specialized Services page.
How can large enterprises benefit from Propars?
Thanks to its flexible structure, Propars responds to the needs of both SMEs and large enterprises. It offers scalable and integrated solutions to large enterprises, especially with cargo and warehouse management, e-export strategies and automation solutions. In addition to the advantages such as your business becoming a global brand and earning foreign currency, being able to manage this process without establishing large-scale e-commerce teams is among the most obvious advantages.
Proud figures!
Propars enables businesses to stand out in the international arena by providing successful sales to 117 different countries around the world.
In 2023, 500% growth was observed in the home textile category among businesses that started using Propars.
From Australia; You can take orders from 13,000 kilometers away and send orders with Propars cargo without any problems.
On Etsy.com, 4 out of 10 top selling businesses from Turkey use Propars.
Propars has the power to manage more than 6,000 categories and more than 800,000 products in 52 different marketplaces in 6 different languages at the same time.
On platforms such as Amazon Europe and Ebay UK, 60% of the “Auto accessories and spare parts” products sold from Turkey are realized by Propars customers.
Businesses using Propars on Amazon America had a huge success, increasing sales by 165% during Prime Day 2023.
Propars customers account for 30% of the products sold from Turkey to Amazon Europe.